Saturday, February 25, 2012


Here's a update or two!

Grand Chase: Currently, three fairly important members of my guild quit, so we ARE PROBABLY going to looking out for new generals >:3 Members better watch yourself!
Maplestory: Yes, you heard it right! I am playing Maplestory ;D Message me on whatever if you play too guys!

Music: Currently I am writing a song (more info to come!) I am also doing a cover (hopefully) for Toeto (Vocaloid). I'm trying to change a few of the english lyrics but I'm no good at this!
Story: Okay. I have changed the plot of the story atleast seven times now. I THINK I FOUND ONE I AM STICK WITH. But like I said, the characters were based on guildmates and friends and I just lost three, soooo.. IF YOU WANNA BE IN IT :P Talk to me!

I think that's all! (I hope that's all...)

<3 -Aybrie-Keliya-Bella-Caley-Whateverfloatsyourboatformyname!-

Monday, February 6, 2012

Busy Izzy Bee!

x_o I have been running around doing this and that, trying to get things done while waiting for my (dun dun dun!) New computer! My brother ordered the parts to rebuild the office computer (On which I game on) so I finally can game again. :D Don't know when it will be done or even when the parts will arrive though. D:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I finally understand what my story will be able. It's an on-going story in my mind that I just never wrote down, and now I shall! I'm so excited.